That moment...

That moment...
Launching from Star Peak, NV

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Well, as usual, I'm months behind on posting even the important stuff.  Of course the big news right now is the fire, but to get caught up  little first:

I finished the boat & oars, it was a thing of beauty(I do say so myself) and rowed like a dream.  I had a solid 6 or 7 months of exercise and adventure rowing and sailing.  I rowed around a few islands, through canals, cuts and channels, Atlantic and Gulf sides, went several miles offshore once or twice, chased some fish, and found out just how strong some of the currents around here can be. I rowed at dawn with the ospreys and fishing captains, at sunset with some lovely ladies and and at midnight accompanied only by the moon and dolphins, breathing quietly but unseen in the velvet dark around me.
Over the summer I joined a new gallery--The Gallery on Green, owned by Nance Frank.  Its a nice gallery and I'm honored to be there.  My first sale there was last month:

"Morning Glory" Oil on panel, 32 x 40".

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